समाज एवं संस्कृति अध्ययन केंद्र राजस्थान

About Us

Centre for Social and Cultural Studies, Rajasthan

The Centre for Social and Cultural Studies Rajasthan serves as a dedicated platform for the in-depth exploration of Bharat-centric perspectives on social, cultural, and national issues, as well as our collective identity. It offers research-based factual content freely to scholars, researchers, and writers. In a world where challenges to cultural integrity and national identity are increasingly prevalent, our centre champions scholarly research and thought leadership to promote the selfhood of Bharat. Through these studies, we aim to understand and respond to the evolving social dynamics in Rajasthan and beyond.

In the era of narrative wars, we recognize the critical need to present a comprehensive Bhartiya narrative with intensity and authenticity. Our centre actively examines the diverse stories that shape our society, ensuring that the voices and values of Bharat are represented accurately and effectively.

We address pressing social issues through our research, including women’s empowerment, the challenges faced by youth, and the struggles of other vulnerable sections of society. By articulating a Bhartiya nationalistic perspective and addressing the challenges faced by our country, we work toward a vision of cultural resilience, social inclusivity, and historical awareness. Our ultimate goal is to preserve and nurture the soul of Bharat, with a particular focus on Rajasthan.

Idea of bharat

India beyond all doubt possesses a deep underline fundamental unity far more profound than that produced by geographical isolation or by political superiority. That unity transcends the innumerable diversities of blood, color, language, dress, manners and accent.


Wokeism is a newly coined word for the rejected and outdated Marxist ideology. While Marxism is more political word, Wokeism is a slang and deliberately invented to add common people to this devastating idea.


गौरक्षा, देशरक्षा, धर्मरक्षा व सामाजिक समरसता के द्वारा लोक कल्याण करने वाले अनेक महापुरुषों का जन्म राजस्थान में हुआ। अपनी साधना और पवित्रता के बल पर सिद्ध होकर उनमें से कुछ लोकदेवता के रूप में प्रसिद्ध हुए । पाबुजी, गोगाजी, रामदेवजी, करणी माता, मेहा जी, तेजाजी जैसे कई नाम इसमें सम्मिलित हैं।


हिन्दुत्व, जो न केवल एक धार्मिक परंपरा है बल्कि एक गहन जीवन-दर्शन भी है, आज वैश्विक विमर्श का एक महत्वपूर्ण विषय बन चुका है। यह शब्द, सर्वकालिक एवं सर्वसामान्य होते हुए भी, समयानुकूल संदर्भ के साथ नए अर्थ और व्याख्याएं प्राप्त कर रहा है। बाकी सभ्यता, संस्कृतियों की तुलना में जब हम देखते हैं तो पाते हैं कि हिन्दू समाज जड़ नहीं है, प्रोग्रेसिव है इसलिए समय काल परिस्थिति के अनुसार फिर चिंतन करता है, आवश्यकता अनुसार परिवर्तन करता है और आगे बढ़ता है। इसीलिए यह दुनियाँ का सबसे प्राचीन धर्म होते हुए भी यह नित्य नवीन बना हुआ है।